$74,300 Community Spaces grant to the MH Public Library!
The secret’s out!
Monday, June 17, Medicine Hat showed how much they love The Medicine Hat Public Library, and a South Country Co-op BBQ! Over 1,000 people stopped by last night, at the Co-op BBQ & Garden Party at the Medicine Hat Public library. To say we’re overwhelmed by the response is an understatement!
On June 13, Federated Co-operatives Ltd announced the 2019 Community Spaces grant recipients. The Library was chosen as one of two projects with in South Country Co-op's trading area, and will receive $74,300 in funding to renovate the children’s library! This upgraded developmental play space will offer Hatters a free indoor recreational area to help children learn and grow all year long.
The Library and South Country Co-op both wanted to do something amazing to announce the grant and to celebrate with as many people as we could—by the numbers, we succeeded! By the end of the evening we served 900 hamburgers, and 600 hot dogs! We made three additional trips to both of the local food stores to resupply us on everything, including cakes!
It’s all thanks to our incredible Team Members that we were able to pull off such a big event (easily our largest ever). Over 30 people from across Medicine Hat sites volunteered their time to help us set up, run the grill, cutting burger and hot dog buns when we ran out of pre-sliced ones, restocking supplies, keeping the line running smoothly, hand out drinks, help carry food for attendees, answer questions—and so much more! We’re endlessly grateful to them for their hard work and embodiment of Co-op community spirit!
We also have to give a huge thanks to our 13th Avenue and Northlands food store Teams for jumping in to help us, and going above and beyond to make sure we could keep the party going!
Thank you to Mayor Clugston, Councillor Samraj, Councillor Hirsch, and Councillor Turnbull for leaving their meeting to show their support during the announcement
Finally, thank you to the Medicine Hat Public Library for having a vision for the children of our community, and for applying for a Community Spaces grant to help you bring the plan to reality. We’re so proud to be part of this journey you’ve just begun!