The Co-op Community Prairie Viewpoint is Officially Open!
In 2017, one of the Co-op Community Spaces recipients was the Society of Grasslands Naturalists, who received $150,000 for accessibility upgrades to Police Point Park in Medicine Hat, AB.
On May 30, 2019 the Co-op Community Prairie Viewpoint was officially dedicated and South Country Co-op was on hand to celebrate with GN President Hugh Armstrong, Chief Interpreter Corlaine Gardner, and Mayor Ted Clugston, along with other park interpreters and nature enthusiasts.
The Co-op Community Prairie Viewpoint will offer visitors a comfortable spot to sit in the park and take in the incredible view, and allow the park to host larger groups for special events. And it's accessible for people of all abilities!
Congratulations to the Society of Grasslands Naturalists and Police Point Park, and thank you for letting Co-op be part of your story!
Six new, wide benches will provide ample seating for larger groups and allow visitors too rest comfortably before continuing through the park.
GN President Hugh Armstrong stalks about the peaks about the impact that the Co-op Community Prairie Viewpoint will have on Police Point Park and the benefits it will provide to visitors as Chief Interpreter Corlaine Gardner looks on.
South Country Co-op Advertising and Community Relations Manager Carmen Hudson holds a commemorative plaque given by Corlaine Gardner on behalf of the Society of Grassland Naturalists. Two other plaques were provided to be displayed in the two food stores in Medicine Hat.
Other park interpreters and nature enthusiasts were on hand to celebrate the dedication with the beautiful park view in the background.