South Country Makes $2200 Meat Donation to MH Food Bank
On October 7, 2019, South Country Co-op Limited CEO Paul Haynes was on hand with Board President Richard Potter and Board Vice President Craig Weich to donate 556lbs, or $2200, of meat products to the Medicine Hat Food Bank. This donation ensures that families dependent on the food bank don't have to choose between day-to-day food staples, and meat for a holiday meal, like Thanksgiving.
Celina Symmonds, Executive Director for the Medicine Hat Food Bank, says, “Because of partners like South Country Co-op, we can give folks the higher cost items like meat and fresh produce and allow them to use the small food budgets they have to purchase other food items they may need.”
South Country Co-op Limited has been committed to investing in our communities for over 60 years, and is able extend our contributions through valued partners, such as food banks. Thanks to the continued support of our owner-members, we will continue to grow and invest in southern Alberta for years to come!
Pictured (from left): South Country Co-op Limited Board President Richard Potter, Medicine Hat Food Bank Executive Director Celina Symmonds, South Country Co-op Limited Chief Executive Officer Paul Haynes, South Country Co-op Limited Board of Director/Secretary Craig Weich and Medicine Hat Food Bank Warehouse Manager Mark Hexter.