Partnerships in Injury Reduction
South Country Co-op takes the health and safety of its Team Members, owner-members, and guests seriously. Our health and safety policy is incredibly thorough and thanks to our dedicated Team we've been COR certified again for another three years through the Government of Alberta.
Our Certificate of Recognition recognizes that our company has "developed and implemented an occupational health and safety program and, met the standard for Partnerships through an independent evaluation of their health and safety program." To become COR certified, there are a number of steps that need to be taken including implementing a health and safety management system, and having an audit done. The audit must score at least 80% overall to pass.
South Country Co-op has taken steps to create, maintain, and improve upon its current health and safety policy. Part of this massive undertaking is a program called eCompliance, a safety software that brings all the elements of our policies into one program, eliminating the need for physical storage and thousands of pieces of paper (like our Health, Safety, and Environment Management Manual, which is over 1,100 pages). This also assists in our commitment to be a more sustainable company, reducing our carbon footprint.