Celebrating Co-op Week
Celebrating Co-op Week
October 16, 2022
What is Co-op Week?
Co-op Week is being celebrated from October 16 - 22 this year. Co-op Week is meant to celebrate and reflect on how co-operatives and credit unions have made a difference in the lives of Canadians and over 1 billion people worldwide.
It’s also a great time to spread the word about co-operatives and our unique business model. Co-ops are owned and run by their members, working together for a better future on many levels.
How are co-ops different businesses?
- They’re democratic. Every member has a voice and gets to cast their vote for our Board of Directors to steer the company.
- Profits and jobs stay within the communities where the co-ops are established.
- Co-ops are flexible and can cater to their community’s specific needs and wants; they’re not a one-size fits all retail, country or even province-wide.
- Co-operatives are more resilient in difficult economic times because they’re embedded in our communities, which guides their values, and because co-ops are member-focused.
South Country Co-op Liquor is more than just a place to shop. We’re a business built to support our community and meet the needs of our members. For just $5 you can become an owner-member of South Country Co-op and help us grow stronger communities.
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