$20,000 to keep Halo Air Ambulance Flying
On Thursday, July 23, South Country Co-op's Board of Directors presented a cheque for $20,000 to HALO Air Ambulance to help keep them "in flight for your life".
HALO provides essential services for communities across southern Alberta and even southwest Saskatchewan, but receives no consistent provincial funding. Donations from the community, municipalities, and businesses help keep their helicopters in the air.
When a call comes in, HALO is able to launch within 15 minutes to reach a scene. They help with inter-facility patient transfers between Medicine Hat and Calgary--on a single tank of fuel! They're also often called to assist with search and rescue missions, and work with SEASAR (South Eastern Alberta Search and Rescue) and the RCMP.
South Country Co-op has been a HALO supporter for years, and we understand the necessity of having their services for our corner of the province. We're proud to have them in our community, both as medical professionals and our partners in putting LOCAL first!
Pictured, left to right: Ronda Herrmann-Stickel, HALO Vice-Chair; Noella Krauss, HALO Board Member; Greg Veilleux, HALO Board Member; Dale Thacker, HALO Co-Chair; Wayne Brost, South Country Co-op Director; Paul Haynes, South Country Co-op CEO; Marcel VandenDungen, South Country Co-op Board Chair; Lynn Fowlie, South Country Co-op Director; Bill Ressler, South Country Co-op Director; Simon Neigum, South Country Co-op Board Secretary